Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

Tips for healthy co-parenting after separation

There are few periods of life more emotionally taxing than going through a separation or divorce. When children are part of the equation, it gets even tougher. Because you always want to do the best for your kids, it’s helpful if you can stay amicable with your ex-partner and work together to create a supportive environment for your children to grow up in. Here’s how to be a positive co-parent after separation.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

5 ways to avoid disputes over your will

No one enjoys the time-consuming – and often emotional – task of creating a will. Working out how you plan to distribute your estate and assets is often put to the back of our minds as we focus on the here and now. But if you neglect your will or create one that is not legally valid or with insufficient thought about what is fair and appropriate, it can quickly lead to disputes between family and loved ones.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

Why motivating your team can drive business success

Commitment, energy and innovation – these three essentials can determine the success or failure of your business, and they are directly influenced by your employees’ motivation levels. But maintaining or improving motivation in the workplace is fraught with challenges, especially when it comes to keeping different personality types engaged and collaborative.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

How to manage complex emotions during separation

The breakdown of a relationship is often devastating for both parties, not to mention the turbulence of navigating the family law process. In addition to the emotional and psychological toll it can take on you, there is also the challenge of allotting time with children, separating assets, and one or both parties having to find a new place to live. Despite these struggles, coming out the other side can lead to exciting opportunities, the chance for a fresh start, and a renewed sense of self. To help you manage complex emotions during separation, here are four strategies to consider.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

Top tips to handle high-conflict personalities in the workplace

Employees who are prone to conflict can be disruptive to the rest of your workplace. But when managed correctly, this personality type can be complimentary to other personalities and diversity in your team, thereby enhancing your business. Here, we explore how to manage high-conflict personalities and leverage their strengths to make the entire team more cohesive.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

How to boost your financial health at different life stages

As you progress through different stages of your life, it’s a good idea to reflect on your financial health and see if there are any opportunities to find greater balance for the years to come. But because your financial aspirations in your 20s are far different from your financial goals in retirement, it’s important to regularly ‘check in’ and reassess what it is you really want.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

Applying for a divorce: Tips to make the process smoother

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally turbulent time. On top of that, you may have to deal with lawyers, paperwork and helping your children through the process. Here, we look at how divorce works in Australia and offer advice to make everything easier.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

Why empathy is essential for an effective mediator

Mediation can be an enormous help whenever a serious conflict or dispute arises. And not only in one’s personal lives. Even in commercial disputes, often the sticking point to resolving disputes stems at least in part, from human emotions and feelings which is where mediation especially is so effective. Getting outside counsel from a mediator that acts as an impartial expert in a private, confidential and safe place, can guide you through the proper negotiation channels. But finding a mediator who is a skilled communicator, master of emotional intelligence and an empathetic listener can be challenging – so here’s what to look out for.

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Mike Barker - Flying Change Mike Barker - Flying Change

5 tips to work smarter, not harder

No matter what industry you operate in, time is the most valuable commodity for business owners. But when you are wearing multiple hats, the notion of being even more productive can feel like an impossible task. There’s good news though: armed with a few simple tips, you can streamline your operations and focus on what’s most important. The result? Working smarter, not harder. Here are five ways to do exactly that.

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